Friday, July 12, 2019

Ready for Gen Con

Time for another update on my current board game industry plans. This week I've shifted into Gen Con prep mode. I've been reaching out to publishers and setting up meetings. I plan to be there Thursday and Friday, and I have 4-5 games to show. If you'd like to meet, just send me an email or a message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or BGG. I am @pdubarry on most of those.

 I'll also be demoing Rice Dice at a few events and at the APE Games booth (#1739) at various times during the day.

My latest game, Embark, got some love at Origins and will be available again during Gen Con at the Tasty Minstrel booth (#1335). Come check it out!

Lance Myxter and I are continuing to work on our new adventure game. It's coming along really well. If you'd like to help us playtest, drop us a line. We'd love to give you a sneak peak!

One more bit of news: I've just about talked myself into running a Kickstarter. I am currently putting the finishing touches on it. I plan to use The Game Crafter for manufacturing and fulfillment. I think that was the piece of the puzzle I had been missing. Those pictures of cars loaded up with packages for the post office send shivers down my spine. We'll see how it works out. Here is a teaser image of the art I'm doing (yes, I'm back into digital painting again!):

This leads me to my final bit of news. I'm now a freelance graphic designer and artist as well as a game designer and developer. If you find yourself in need of extra help getting a game to the finish line, I can probably do the thing you need. If you are interested in learning more about me, here is a summary of my work in the game industry and here is a sample of my art and graphic design work. Thanks for taking a look.

See you at Gen Con 2019!