My name is Philip duBarry. I've always been into playing and designing games. When I was a kid I played endless games of Risk and Monopoly with my family. I also played lots of Chess. I designed several roll-and-move games. As I got older, I started coming up with slightly better games (and playing better games), but still nothing anyone else cared to play. Then one day a few years ago, I read a book about political intrigue and revolution in 1800s Peru and Chile. This needed to be a game. So I tried to make it. And got nowhere--until a few months later when the solution popped into my head.
Soon, I had a working prototype of Revolution! and got all my friends and family to play it over and over again. It turned out that they didn't mind so much--in fact, they all kind of liked it. This was certainly a new experience. I made a game other people like? That must be a sign. So I set about figuring out how to manufacture the game by hand and sell them on the Internet. After several months, I had sold about 50. One of these was purchased by Phil Reed of Steve Jackson Games (someone I had never heard of). He called me up and asked me if I had thought about getting Revolution! published. !!! Before long I was signing a contract.
Since then my brain has been overflowing with new game ideas, which I try to record in my notebook. In addition to Revolution!, I've also designed The Palace (an expansion for Revolution!), Kingdom of Solomon from Minion Games, Courtier and Canalis (both part of the Tempest series from AEG). More and more games are on the way!