Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ted Cheatham's Origins 2009 Report
Ted Cheatham of BoardgameNews filed this video report on upcoming games at Origins 2009. Revolution made it into the first minute or so of the thirty-two minute report. You can hear Will explaining the game.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Demos At Yottaquest

BTW - Revolution now has 29 ratings on BGG. Just one more will give it an official rank . . .
Friday, June 26, 2009
Origins Visit

Now all we have to do is get the "munchkin haters" on board--you know who you are. I met a particularly famous one today, Tom Vasal of The Dice Tower, and, with the help of David Miller of Purple Pawn, tried to convince him to give Revolution a try. He indicated that a review copy of the game would be most welcome (hint, hint, Will . . .). I played two games of Revolution today and came in second both times, mainly because Randy doesn't like losing without taking someone with him!
I also met a few more famous people. Peter Mayhew--Chewbacca was there, although I did not technically meet him. But I did see him from a fairly close distance. And I learned how to play Dominion with David and again later with my Axis & Allies buds. What a surprisingly fun game! Not at all the Magiced-up card game I mistook it for. All in all, it was a very good day.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's Here!

Monday, June 22, 2009
The Official Rules

Also included in the update is a link to the official rules. I think they turned out very well! They broke the round into four phases: Espionage, Bidding, Resolution and Patronage. This does an excellent job of including all the necessary parts in an elegant way. My preferred rule about keeping losing and tied bids has indeed been included as an optional rule. And some of you may need to check the playtester section--they included quite a few of the names I submitted. All in all, I am feeling very upbeat and ready to see how things go from here.
FYI: I'm still planning to be at Origins on Friday and possibly some on Saturday. Feel free to look me up (you might try the SJG exhibitor area or the Axis & Allies play area).
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Sad Board Game Story
I'm glad I didn't go into debt to produce my game. This poor lady did. Rachel Lowe hit it big, first by developing a popular game and second by attracting the rights to a Harry Potter version of that game. But things do not always turn out well. Read about it here. (H/T: Purple Pawn)
Revolution update: I am NOT going bankrupt. The printer will soon be loading them onto the boat. The updated release date estimate is the end of July. Soon, soon . . .
Revolution update: I am NOT going bankrupt. The printer will soon be loading them onto the boat. The updated release date estimate is the end of July. Soon, soon . . .
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Update . . . Sort Of
It's been a while since I've posted anything, and the guilt is starting to build up. I don't exactly have much new information, but that's never stopped me before! For those who don't know, Revolution should still be out sometime in mid to late June, barring any more trouble with printing mistakes or shipping containers being delayed.
I recently took some interesting photos with my brother and some mean looking AR-15s. We are both wearing the Revolution shirts he made me for Christmas. There is some question has to the wisdom of posting them here, but you can see them on Facebook if you send me a friend request.
I also am currently working on a few more games, though more slowly than in previous months. I currently have two prototypes sitting on publishers' shelves waiting for glory. I wonder if they are waiting to see how Revolution does before they commit. I'm pretty curious about that, too.
Revolution currently has 25 ratings (30 are necessary for an official rank), and BGG now offers you the chance to become a "fan" of your favorite games. Revolution currently has zero. :( Maybe you can help turn that around. I'm hoping things will get stirred up a bit once the game is finally released.
For anyone whose interested, I'm planning to be at Origins (Columbus, OH) at least a day or two. Word has it that Phil Reed may be in attendance, and I would very much like to meet him. I suppose there is a chance that a few copies of Revolution will also be there. Fingers crossed!
Update on the update: Phil Reed is not coming. Also, they're going to send me a copy of Revolution next week!
I recently took some interesting photos with my brother and some mean looking AR-15s. We are both wearing the Revolution shirts he made me for Christmas. There is some question has to the wisdom of posting them here, but you can see them on Facebook if you send me a friend request.
I also am currently working on a few more games, though more slowly than in previous months. I currently have two prototypes sitting on publishers' shelves waiting for glory. I wonder if they are waiting to see how Revolution does before they commit. I'm pretty curious about that, too.
Revolution currently has 25 ratings (30 are necessary for an official rank), and BGG now offers you the chance to become a "fan" of your favorite games. Revolution currently has zero. :( Maybe you can help turn that around. I'm hoping things will get stirred up a bit once the game is finally released.
For anyone whose interested, I'm planning to be at Origins (Columbus, OH) at least a day or two. Word has it that Phil Reed may be in attendance, and I would very much like to meet him. I suppose there is a chance that a few copies of Revolution will also be there. Fingers crossed!
Update on the update: Phil Reed is not coming. Also, they're going to send me a copy of Revolution next week!
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