Tonight, I met up with Randy from SJG during the Cincinnati leg of his great demo tour of the country. Who knows, he might be heading to your city pretty soon. I brought along my copy of Revolution, and we managed to keep several games going during the allotted time. Thanks to Matthew Fay, owner of Yottaquest, for letting us come. I am scheming about holding some sort of celebratory / promotional event at his store during one of the upcoming board game nights (Tuesdays and Saturdays).
Randy was sporting the new Revolution T-shirt (one of three). I wonder whose arm I have to twist to get one of those . . . Anyway, a good time was had by all. Everyone seems to like the game, even people who had come to play Magic, the Gathering, etc.
BTW - Revolution now has 29 ratings on BGG. Just one more will give it an official rank . . .
30 ratings.
ReplyDeleteRank: 2645