Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Merry Christmas!
May you have a wonderful Christmas this year!
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's Almost Christmas!
In other news, my new website will soon be online (at least with a holding page until I hear back from the copyright folks).
Maybe I can start posting a few technical articles soon...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Quick Update
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Box Bottom Printed
Tomorrow I will mail the copyright application. Once I hear back from them, I will begin to post lots more images and launch my main website.
My current goal is to produce 15 copies by the end of the year (10 of which will be given as Christmas presents). :) Still, I'm super-busy, so it won't be easy. Wish me luck!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
First Printing!

We managed to print out everything (almost) necessary for a complete game, and enough of each to finish 25 copied by year's end. As you can see, the box turned great! I couldn't be happier! I still have to finish up the bottom of the box and file for my copyright. Stay tuned for more...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Construction Has Begun

Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Paper Is Here!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Slowly Moving Ahead
A note on playtesting:
During our recent vacation to the beach, we got a chance to playtest the 5-6 version some more. Embarrassingly, I ran away with it, to the point of having to call it mid-game. It was felt that this happened, in part, because of the Pickpocket. It was proposed that I try changing the Pickpocket from 2 Gold per player to 2 Chips from any one player. This would add another way to keep the leader in check, while lowering the value of the space somewhat. Fortunately, I have already decided to remove the Pickpocket from the 3-4 (Standard) version. The 5-6 release date is well into next year, so I still have some time to get it ironed out. I still feel very confident about the standard version.
It is also apparent that more experienced players have a very clear advantage. This is perhaps an obvious statement, but it is important that new players have a chance to win (which I still think they do). This phenomenon occurs in many games (Puerto Rico comes to mind, and even Settlers of Catan), so it's not a game-breaker. I might just need to do less playing and more watching...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sample Arrives!
It looks as though my business plan will be changing slightly. Due to minimums on the paper, I will end up with enough to make 100+ units. Also the cost of each unit will be between $10-12, instead of the $15 I had originally figured. My new plan actually shows some profitability! IF I can manage to sell any of them, that is...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
3-4 Test
Also my new samples will be here soon. Then I can get things moving!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Another Playtest of 5-6
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Samples On the Way
I also got the word that my domain name (www.revolutionboardgame.com) will take 60 days to transfer to its new home. This is not a huge problem as marketing doesn't even have to be online until next spring.
Once I confirm my paperboard order and printing capabilities, I will finalize the design (mostly a slight re-sizing) and file for copyright. Then things will really start to get fun!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekend Testing
Monday, September 17, 2007
The 5-6 Expansion!
In other news, I am holding off on filing the copyright until I get a few more details finalized. The printing/paper size issue is all but worked out; however, I'm still waiting on the cardboard manufacturer to send me an updated quote. I had to rethink all the dimensions and cuts (see a previous post for the agonizing details)... Even so, things are progressing.
More Play-Testing
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tricky Issues
My contact at the paper company is also working on a quote for the necessary amount of Kivar6, a backing material. This will (I hope) take the board from mediocre to semi-professional. I also finished the box design work and am now working on the box bottom (I took a nice photo today). Things are progressing steadily forward.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Box Art
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Revolution Has Begun!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
About Me
Soon, I had a working prototype of Revolution! and got all my friends and family to play it over and over again. It turned out that they didn't mind so much--in fact, they all kind of liked it. This was certainly a new experience. I made a game other people like? That must be a sign. So I set about figuring out how to manufacture the game by hand and sell them on the Internet. After several months, I had sold about 50. One of these was purchased by Phil Reed of Steve Jackson Games (someone I had never heard of). He called me up and asked me if I had thought about getting Revolution! published. !!! Before long I was signing a contract.
Since then my brain has been overflowing with new game ideas, which I try to record in my notebook. In addition to Revolution!, I've also designed The Palace (an expansion for Revolution!), Kingdom of Solomon from Minion Games, Courtier and Canalis (both part of the Tempest series from AEG). More and more games are on the way!
My Games
Pegasus Spiele, a German partner of Steve Jackson Games, agreed to publish the game in 2010 for the German market with all new artwork.
Revolution! - The Palace
Kingdom of Solomon
Chronicles of the King was a fan-inspired mini-expansion for Kingdom of Solomon. It was designed with Daniel McDairmant.
Family Vacation was published by Jolly Roger Games despite an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign. It is a family game about going on the best vacation and trying to make your family happy. It was released in 2014.
Revolution Anarchy
Game Salute currently has The Princess Bride license. I designed Miracle Pill, one of a series of smaller games. This game features card-drafting as players try to make the most effective pill for the Man in Black. This game should be available in Q4 of 2015.
Spirits of the Rice Paddy had an amazing Kickstarter where it met and far surpassed its goal. It is a 90-120 minute game about growing rice on the island of Bali with a little help from the spirits world. It features card-drafting, worker allocation, and a unique water flow system. It should be available late 2015.
Game design seems to run in the family. Our oldest daughter, Isabel, designed Tiger Stripes back in 2010. I helped her refine the game components and ordering a small print run which she financed out of her savings. She sold enough copies to make a small profit. But the most exciting part was when Game Salute offered to produce the game with professional art and upgraded components. This was successfully funded with a Kickstarter campaign in March of 2014
This Kickstarter (along with another expansion for the game) hit $110K. This is a stand-alone customizable micro game released at Origins 2016.
This is my first co-op game. Players are involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler during WWII. This game was released in November 2016 after a short pre-order campaign. It has since had a successful Kickstarter for the second printing, delivered in 2018.
I did this expansion for AEG's Trains series a few years back. It was finally released during GenCon 2017. This expansion adds many interesting cards to allow players to experience the game in new ways.
This AEG game is not one of my designs. However, it represents the first game where I served as lead developer. This was quite a learning experience, but ultimately a positive one. It was released at Essen 2018.
Since Kingdom of Solomon went out of print, I had wanted to bring it back in a new and improved way. Funhill Games gave me the chance to do this in 2017, with a successful Kickstarter in 2018. I am quite pleased with the production quality and game play changes. The game was delivered toward the end of 2018.
This follow-up to Spirits of the Rice Paddy explores some of the same gameplay but with dice. The Kickstarter for this game ran during April 2018. Shipped in 2019.
I worked as lead developer for AEG's The Captain is Dead:Dangerous Planet, the third installment of J.T. Smith's epic space co-op game. I also did art direction for this title, released at GenCon 2019.
This TMG game re-implements some ideas from my first game, Revolution!, but heads in a different direction. Players assign crew to boats and sail to discover and colonize islands in a fantasy setting. This game exists in the universe of Harbour and Harvest. Released in 2019.
I was asked to do an expansion for the upcoming Stygian Society by Kevin Wilson. The Kickstarter went quick well (over $100K) and was delivered in 2020.
I ran my first solo Kickstarter in 2020 for Square Meal. I considered it a modest success, especially for being a 2020 project! Square Meal was delivered towards the end of the year.
My daughter and I designed a card game version of Tiger Stripes. This was released in 2021.
Purim is a cooperative game loosely based on the biblical story of Esther published by Funhill Games. The Kickstarter successfully funded in March 2023.
Pathfinder Revolution! is a re-theme of my first game, Revolution! by Steve Jackson Games. The Kickstarter failed in July 2022. However, the company quietly brought the game to retail in late 2023.
Score 5 was published in Europe by Blue Orange Games and released in Spring of 2024. The North American version may be coming in 2025. This card bidding game started with an idea: What if instead of No Thanks, there was an opposite game called Yes, Please? This game gradually became Magic 5 and then Score 5 with the addition of a final wild card to end the game.
Snowcrest (Grail Games) had a successful Gamefound campaign ending in May 2024. Production has been running ahead of schedule, and these should be arriving to backers in Q4 2024.
You can stay up to date with these and future games by following my Facebook page.
Design Services
Do you have a game design project that needs a little help? Whether you are a publisher needing to hit a deadline for your new expansion or a designer who's run into a wall, I am available to assist you. I have been involved in the board game industry since 2007 and have been designing since childhood. I can also help construct high-quality prototypes and graphic design needs.
Contact me today for a quote!