Monday, June 28, 2010

Origins 2010

Origins went very well this year! I took my brother-in-law, Drew, with me to help work the show. Of my five prototypes, three are now being seriously considered by publishers! More about this in the coming weeks. I met loads of new people and generally had a blast. Specials thanks to Rio Grande for providing food for everyone in the Board Room!

Looks like some printer troubles may push the Revolution! expansion's release date past GenCon. But it might still get done in time. At the very least it will be demoed there. The one space I had reservations about got a significant upgrade! The expansion is now officially awesome!

The game really being talked about this year was Founding Fathers, by Jolly Rogers Games. I didn't get a chance to play it, but I'm hoping one of the Yottaquest guys bought a copy. Anyway, I could not have been more pleased with how it turned out. Now to work on more game designs . . .


  1. Congrats on the success of your prototypes!

    Just wondering, do you purchase a space to set up your games, or do you just set-up in a gaming area and hope a publisher comes by? Or do you approach them and ask them to look at what you've got?

    Thanks and good luck!

    Dennis Hoyle

  2. Thanks. My plan was to list all game companies who might possibly be interested in any of my games. I then ranked these in order of importance and visited each one in the exhibit hall. Most of them told me a time to come back (usually something vague like "sometime tomorrow afternoon" or "find me in the Board Room tonight"). I made lots of notes and met lots of nice people. Some of them happened to like some of my games!

  3. Very cool! So, I'm assuming you had to have a bunch of extra prototypes on hand to leave with the publishers, right?

    Sorry for all the questions!



  4. No problem! It's usually considered bad form to give a game to more than one company at a time unless you have some kind of special understanding. I took one copy of each game.

  5. Cool thanks! I guess you need to have a lot of different games to really get exposure with several different publishers. I hope one of your prototypes catches-on with one of them!


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